RIL Class 10 : Foundation Biology (2022-23)

DC Sonali
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Biology is the study of concepts of natural science of life and living organisms. It consists of the study of physical structure of a living organism, important molecular interactions, chemical processes, development and evolution. Studying biology as a science helps to understand human life.

Class 10 Biology contains chapters which will help students in learning about essential biological concepts and terms. Students will understand various life processes such as nutrition, transpiration, respiration and excretion. Nervous systems of humans ,process of reproduction for both unicellular and multicellular organisms, study of heredity and evolution, basic concepts of our environment, food chain, food web, management of forests, wildlife, coal, water, petroleum and more is included in class 10 biology.

Course Features

  • Off-Line Classroom Lectures as per time table.
  • Live-Online Classroom Lectures as per time table.
  • Doubt Resolving Sessions.
  • Academic & Technical Support.
  • Complete access to all classroom lectures.
  • Printed and Digital Classroom Study Material.
  • Exercise Sheets.
  • Recorded Video Lectures.
  • Online Test Series.
  • Student Performance Report.
  • Final Revision Classes.
  • Personalized guidance and mentoring.
  • Computer Based Test and Detailed Analysis.
  • One to One Academic Counseling sessions.
  • One to One PTM.
  • Comprehensive monthly progress Report.
  • Personalized extra classes.
  • Toppers Talk Shows.
  • Motivational Sessions.
  • Counseling Academic / Career / Psychological Sessions.
  • Small batch size.

Why Dedicated Classes?

In our academy, we teach the basic concept of biology of standard 10 along with the connecting NEET concepts which are the foundation stone for students aspiring to prepare for NEET. We cover all the topics of NCERT including questions and numerical of each individual topic for better understanding of the student. Each and every topic is explained in detail and solved examples are given after each topic. Our course covers a detailed and vivid explanation with real life examples so that students can relate the particular example with day to day life, which helps them to acknowledge the topic strongly. After every chapter, Objective type questions, Very short answer type questions, short answer type questions, long answer type questions and HOTS are being discussed with students.

Our Features

  • Experienced and Best Faculty Team.
  • Regular Monitoring.
  • Result Oriented Teaching Methodology.
  • Relevant Study Material.
  • Result Test Series and Performance Analyses.
  • Well Structured Academic Control.
  • Ongoing Research and Development.
  • Intellectual and Concern Management.
  • Regular Digital /Hi – Tech Communication.
  • Soft Skill Development.
  • Problem analyses and support.
  • Full Academic Support.
  • Personalized attention.
  • Open Heartily Welcome new ideas and advise.
Chapter 3 :- How do Organisms Reproduce?
Chapter 4 :- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 5 :- Our Environment
Chapter 6 :- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
What is Biology?
The branch of science dealing with the study of living organisms is known as Biology. In simple words, Biology can be defined as the science of life and living organisms.
What is the importance of studying biology?
Biology is a subject which is an inevitable part of our life as it is the subject which helps us to understand human life. Following points shows the importance of studying biology:
a) It helps us get a better understanding about the world in its natural processes
b) It is the study of how life evolves, survives and changes.
c) It gives knowledge about the interaction of cells with organs and organisms, environment and ecosystem.
d) It teaches how various organs and systems work on the human body and how everything is connected in our body.
e)It is an important subject for medical point of view which includes identifying disease and its cure.
f) Knowledge of Biology helps make a better environment to live in.
g) The vast study of Biology has contributed improvement in agriculture.
How to master this subject?
Some students find biology challenging, but it doesn't have to be. As with math, and a few other subjects, learning biology is a cumulative process. Before you can understand more complex biological concepts and processes, it's essential you understand the basics. Biology is a complex, hands-on subject. It involves learning biological systems that require explanation and experimentation. Biology is also a cumulative subject. What you learn in one class will create the building blocks for what you'll learn in the future.
How biology is related to other branches of science?
Relation with Chemistry: • Body of all living organisms is made up of organic and inorganic compounds, dissolved in water. • All the metabolic activities inside the body of living beings involve chemical reactions and chemical changes
Relation with Physics: • Biological instruments such as microscopes, X-rays, ECG etc. are based on the principles of physics. • Light induces various effects on living organisms. • Studying the structure and functioning of the human eye requires knowledge of optics. • Physical techniques such as: electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, fractionation, Chromatography etc. have made possible the study of finer details of cellular and sub-cellular components.
How is Hybrid course different from other programs?
Dedicated Classes’ Hybrid coaching programs are a blend of online and classroom learning. Other coaching programs provide either online or offline learning modules. Our Hybrid courses offer flexibility and convenience to students as they learn online and continue to have regular interaction with faculty.
How can I succeed in a hybrid course?
You should be comfortable using computers and the Internet.
You need excellent time management skills and self-motivation.
You need to be competent at typing.
You need to read assignments and instructions very carefully.
You need to keep up with class reading and assignments.
How are water and minerals transported in plants ?
(a) In plants there are tiny pores called stomata on leaves and lenticels in stem which facilitate the exchange of gases. Carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen given out {during photosynthesis} and vice versa during respiration.
(b) Water and minerals are transported within the plant by the Xylem vessels (mainly in an upward direction); these are part of the vascular system which also includes Phloem vessels.
Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis within the plant, to all parts like the stem, roots, fruits etc. in all directions.
What is synapse ? In a neuron cell how is an electrical impulse created and what is the role of synapse in this context ?
A synapse is the gap between the two neurons. Here the axon terminal of one neuron is in close proximity to the dendrite of the second neuron. When a nerve impulse reaches the knob like nerve ending of an axon, a tiny amount of a chemical substance is released in the synapse. This chemical substance is called as the neurotransmitter. At synapse the electrical signals converted into chemicals, that can easily cross over the gap and pass on to the next neurons where it again converted into electrical signals.
Which is the largest cell present in the human body?
The largest cell present in the human body is ovum.
Define variation in relation to a species. Why is variation beneficial to the species?
Variation refers to the differences in the characters or traits among the individuals of a species.
Variations are beneficial to the species because:

They enable the organisms to adapt themselves in changing environment.
Variations form the basis of heredity.
They form the raw materials for evolution and development of new species.

Admissions Open For Academic Session 2022-23

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